Contact list - NEW !
The contact list is a database of telephone contacts, which can easily maintain and share.

CIT Magnifier - NEW !
Screen magnifier is great tool for visually impaired. New product!

CIT Reader 6 - New version
New version has been released, you can try the demo version !

Sms from PC 3.6

Aplication | Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

SMS from PC
Can't connect the SMS from PC app on your phone to your computer?

This page contains the frequently asked questions and answers. Instructions on how to diagnose the problem and how to fix it.

The client on your PC does not detect your phone.

The client on the computer does not connect to your phone.

Is it possible to send a message without confirmation on the phone?

Is it possible to show communication history?

How do I attach a file to a message?

Where is the program configuration stored on the MS Windows computer?

Is it possible to run the Windows 7 version on Windows 10 and above?

Is it possible to create my own or modify the skin of the application?

Is it possible to create my own language localization?

CIT Office | Monitoring | Contact list | Early warning system | Life Control Server
Voice mail | Operator and Waiting field | IVR | Fax Server | Visual Kirke | SMS Server
© CIT.CZ spol. s r.o. All rights reserved.